Jack Osman took the role of the clown, we weren't too concerned over who played this role as they would always be wearing a mask. As Jack had free periods when we had media it made it easy for us to film during media lessons with him. Furthermore we wanted the clown to have a domineering,intimidating stance over the lead actress, and as Jack is very tall and willowy, he gave the clown a really eerie look.

I was cast has the lead actress in the music video, by using a person from our group it made it really easy to film during media lessons, and meant there where less people involved in scheduling shoots. Furthermore I fel comfortablei n front of cameras, so there would be no issues of embarassment or being unprofessional. Also as I am a fan of Indie/Alternative music, my style mirrors this, so when doing costume, hair and makeup ofr the shoots my image reflects the sort of image our target market are most likely to have, and most likely to respond to.