Our song choice is the main component which deciphers who is most likely to be our target audience, the choice of Two Door Cinema Club's Single I Can Talk means that the music video targets an audience of Alternative, Indie, Electropop music enthusiasts. As the music does have a dance/electro edge to it, it can also be appealing to lovers of dance and pop music, making the single quite dynamic in which types of music listeners it appeals too. To truly identify who Two Door Cinema club's main target market are our group have decided to look at a source who are currently promoting the band, NME. As a magazine NME's target market
is males between the ages of 17 - 30, 73% of their readers are male and 27% female. Therefore we can approximately guess that a majority of Two Door Cinema Clubs fans follow this trend. Furthermore they are currently touring around clubs and bars, which again shows them to be hitting a teenage/young adult target market. Therefore Our music video must appeal to this target market of mostly male, 17 - 30 year olds who are interested in alternative music. A website called UKTribes describes today's 'Indie Kids', who we believe would be likely to listen to and purchase Two Door Cinema Club's music

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