This is the final advert for our digipak, you can see how itl inks directly to the digipak, the font and images used all correlate well, creating identification and a set house style between our products. You can also see how it has developed from the first magazine advert I created, I have added hmv and bridge nine record labels to the bottom ot the poster to give the magazine advertisement a authentic edge. I have also added the bands website address, and name of their leading record label 'Kitsune' to the bottom of the page. Furthermore I have made the banners slightly transparent, which gives the poster a more sophisticated and stylised look, used to entice our target market to buy the album. The critics opinions are also used as a marketing tool to persuade the target market to purchase the album.
I have personally decided to hand this in as my final peice rather than the website, as our group did all three ancillary tasks we all have the freedom to choose which ones we would like to hand in.
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