The image above is from an issue of NME, a well known music magazine which our band Two Door Cinema Club is heavily associated with. I really liked the design of this advertisement, I thought it was really eye catching, and interesting, not only does it detail the realease of a debut single, but it also details a few tour dates. Below I have made a response to his magazine adertisement.
Below is another magazine advertisment I created individualy, without inspiration from another magazine advertisement.

Despite us only having to two ancillary tasks, our group decided to expand our skills onto all three of them in draft, as to make an informed decision once we have finished our project. These are two rough magazine advertisements for Two Door Cinema Club's album 'Tourist History'. We have used the photographs from the mock up digipak covers to create a clear link. Again the structure and colours are simplistic and sophisticated, playing off the stunning contrast of black and white.
Despite us only having to two ancillary tasks, our group decided to expand our skills onto all three of them in draft, as to make an informed decision once we have finished our project. These are two rough magazine advertisements for Two Door Cinema Club's album 'Tourist History'. We have used the photographs from the mock up digipak covers to create a clear link. Again the structure and colours are simplistic and sophisticated, playing off the stunning contrast of black and white.
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