You can see above how the website that Kelsey has made corresponds to the conventions of an existing band website beside it. The formating is very similar, with the boxes in the centre of the page breaking up the information, making it easy to read and asses the page.
Kelseys website has the conventional links associted with band websites 'Home', 'News', 'Blog' and'Video'. There is also a log in bar for people who are members of the fan club, which is a convention used on many websites to increase identification between the band and their fans.
Our music video also features on the page, the viewer is able to stop, forward, rewing, play and enlarge the video, making it incredibly easy for viewers to rewatch the video, or watch it whilst doing other tings online.
The website kelsey has created is incredibly proffessional looking and links in well with the black and white colour scheme that is used throughout all our products. The text also links to the digipak, creating an identifiable house style.
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